
 Account management: add/delete/change mailboxes and more from the centralized Billing & Support portal

Once you log in to the Billing & Support portal here at, you...

 Advanced anti-spam & anti-virus system ( )

Your zMailCloud account includes upgraded & powerful anti-spam & anti-virus email...

 Aliases for mailboxes, distribution lists and domain names

Aliases allow you to receive email at other names, without having to create, nor pay for...

 Are my connections to Cloudiance secure?

Yes! In other words, Cloudiance's zMailCloud webmail and other clients operate using https (SSL...

 Calendly support?

Cloudiance zMailCloud and Exclusive Servers support an alternative to Calendly:...

 Catchall address?

Yes, Cloudiance supports catchall addresses. A catchall address is kind of a universal mailbox...

 Cloudiance zMailCloud graphical overview

 Domain alias management

Domain aliases allow you to assign another domain name to one of your primary domain names at...

 First SPF, then DKIM, then DMARC. What's the difference between them?

We implemented SPF inbound checking primarily because it addresses email spoofing directly, by...

 Global Address List (GAL)

GAL stands for Global Address List. It's not what it sounds like to many people, in that it's not...

 Gmail recipients: labelling your sent email as "not spam"

Sometimes your recipients using Gmail, Google Apps or other Google-sponsored email need help on...

 Headers (email)

Sometimes you'd like us here at Cloudiance Support to analyze the routing, or mis-routing as it...

 How many mailboxes/users can I have?

You have the ability to add as many users as you need. Want to add one? No problem. Thousands? We...

 How to report phishing from service providers like Microsoft and Google

Microsoft: Microsoft support page where this address comes from....

 Keepsafe. What is email archiving?

By default, email in Cloudiance zMailCloud mailboxes is stored until deleted by customers, with...

 Mailbox Statuses

Mailboxes may have the following statuses: • Active: the normal status for a mailbox account....

 Microsoft Outlook limitations

Outlook on Windows and the Mac not only has maximum mailbox size limits, but based on many years...

 Must I relocate my website to use Cloudiance for email?

No, your website will remain unchanged, and does not need to be moved.   Only email for your...

 Order form problems

When adding new services, please log-in to your existing account first, so you don't accidentally...

 Outbound mail server IP addresses and hosts (SMTP) for whitelisting

Ask your recipients to whitelist the following IP addresses to receive email from you:...

 Real-time Black hole lists (RBLs)

Does Cloudiance subscribe to any RBLs to reduce inbound spam? Yes. Here is a list updated as of...

 Recover/undelete email and mailboxes

By requesting a restore, you can restore a mailbox from 7 days to 30 days in the past, depending...

 Reputation Protection: Anti-phishing (link-lock) and Compromise Detection (auto-lock)

Reputation Protection (aka Rep Pro, RepPro, and RP) A collection of special, Cloudiance-designed...

 SPF records

Sender Policy Framework (SPF) Free-of-additonal charge, the purpose of SPF is to save you money...

 Spam. Do you allow spam?

No. We are very anti-spam. Spam is the name given to bulk unsolicited email, generally sent by...

 Spam: getting too much

Dealing with Spam (unsolicited email) Too much junk mail making its way into your inboxes?...

 System's status page

Cloudiance zMailCloud hosting public systems' status page Check this page to see if any of the...

 What is the cost per mailbox?

Please see our Cloudiance Pricing page.

 What is the maximum attachment, and mailbox size, and how much storage is included per mailbox?

Attachment size For zMailCloud, the maximum file size allowed as an upload from your desktop to...