Viewing articles tagged 'contacts'
Summary Configure your iPhone/iPad to automatically sync with your Cloudiance mail, contacts and...
Apple iPhone Contacts disappearing or not being addedSometimes when you add a contact through you're phone, you're accidentally adding it only to your...
Apple Mac Contacts sync using CardDAVThis article describes the steps to sync your Cloudiance zMailCloud account using CardDAV as the...
Contact management (managing contacts and address books)Your contacts are not designed to be a database, the way, for instance, a customer relationship...
List of email/collaboration clients and recommended protocols (ways to access your data)Mail & collaboration clients Feature(s) Protocols Recommendation(s) Note(s)...
Restoring recently deleted itemsSometimes we accidentally delete our own mail. It happens. It happened to one of our team while...
Sharing contacts, calendars and mail folders with ActiveSync/ExchangeRelatively new is the ability to share contacts not only in the web client, but also to your...
Webmail exporting/importing contacts, calendars or mail for local backupsUse your Cloudiance zMailCloud Zimbra webmail client to export and import data to make local...