Viewing articles tagged 'spf'


Cloudiance supports DMARC. DMARC is a layer onto of SPF and DKIM. SPF and DKIM must be setup...

 Email pass-through forwarding: do not use it

Cloudiance subscribes to the Sender Policy Framework (SPF), which is a standard that Cloudiance,...

 Emails getting blocked when sent from one particular domain

Check the SPF record in the DNS for the domain name that's being blocked.  If the domain has an...

 First SPF, then DKIM, then DMARC. What's the difference between them?

We implemented SPF inbound checking primarily because it addresses email spoofing directly, by...

 How email fits into your internet services picture (graphic)

 SPF records

Sender Policy Framework (SPF) Free-of-additonal charge, the purpose of SPF is to save you money...