Mailbox inexplicably locked up, unavailable?
Occasionally, since around December of 2024's Apple iOS update, there's been an issue with large mailboxes (above 30GB) and IMAP, where the iOS device(s) (iPhone or iPad), when trying to sync all email, will lock-up a mailbox.
To test for this issue, delete (not only deactivate) the account from all your iOS devices, and reinstall it using Exchange instead of IMAP, and set it to sync for only 30 days (you may still search older email automatically). Exchange is the recommended way to configure your iOS devices with Cloudiance servers anyway.
Note that it may take an hour, or more, for a mailbox to become available again once you remove the IMAP account from your iOS devices. If it takes longer than 24 hours, please verify there are no iOS devices (forgotten iPad?) still trying to sync all your email using IMAP, then open a ticket, and we can reset your mailbox after hours during a maintenance window.
Concerned about losing Mail when you delete your account from your iOS devices?
With the exception of Notes (see below **), please don't be. Email resides on the Cloudiance servers, where it synchronizes with your various computing devices, such as your iPhones, iPads, desktops, and laptops. The mail on the server is the master, your devices are the clients. Your devices will resync with your email on the server when you re-add your account to them. If you want to see your email on the server directly, use your web client (open a web browser, and go to your custom server name, usually in the format:
Unsure of your email password?
For each mailbox, the email password is the same for all mail clients that access the mailbox, including the web client. So, if you're uncertain of your password, best practice is to test it before you uninstall/reinstall your iOS accounts in Apple Mail, by logging into the web client, per the paragraph above. If you need to reset a password, your account administrator should be able to reset passwords for all of your mailboxes using the portal, available at
Assuming your account admin knows their primary portal user email address, they can reset their portal password (different, and separate from any mailbox password), and the portal will send a new password to their portal user's email address. Here's a link to the knowledgebase overview on using the Cloudiance Portal. If your account admin doesn't know their portal user name (and therefore doesn't receive a reset email from the portal), open a ticket (by emailing support at requesting the account admin's chosen user name, and we'll let you know promptly.
**A note about Notes
If using Apple Notes on an iOS device, you should only be using them with Apple iCloud. This is a directive directly from Apple. Notes may not function as expected with any other email services provider, even though they're optionally enabled when you select the IMAP method to connect with supporting email services, such as Cloudiance's.
If you're using Notes with IMAP and Cloudiance, or any other mail service provider (Google, etc.), before you delete that IMAP account, and in any event, we highly recommend that you promptly copy your Notes to iCloud, as otherwise you may lose your Notes, or they may not perform as expected.
Sunday, January 5, 2025